Another year has passed by, who knows how many is in front of us? Last month, I have been thinking of time a lot and one Bible verse keeps going around my mind:
Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom (Psalm 90:12, NLT).
I am only in my early thirties, but I still feel that life is short, days are running faster than I can, and I need to be fully focused to accomplish something.
CMA Finland is doing fine! We have around fifty members, Järvenpää in southern Finland is our new forming chapter. It first looked like we would we have straight 12 new members there, but now we have solid four and we are happy about it! Praise God we are spreading around the country. All usual activities are going like prison ministry, motorcycle exhibitions, small mission trips, ice and road racing competitions, and just visiting local gas stations meeting people.
In our chapter in Jyväskylä, we made a leap of faith after a few years of planning and rented a garage. It´s a place for us to meet, but more importantly a place where youths can come and fix mopeds with us or just enjoy their time. The place is next to a long straight where riders practice wheelies, burnouts, and tricks, so when they need to rest, they can come to our garage and have a cup of coffee. We got it open just before winter and there were already dozens of people eating sausages and getting to know us.
We are really looking forward to this spring and what is in front of us. One nice memory is when we slept on the garage sofas and woke up in the middle of the night to watch the Changing of the Colors Rally live! That’s a concept of a tasty life!
In the last article, I wrote that a new racetrack will open. Previous summer we scouted a MotoGP practice there, and this summer 2020 we´ll have a race there! It´s a big opportunity and a big challenge to us, they expect to have around 100,000 visitors at the event. Currently we are praying and seeking opportunities to serve and evangelize people there. Please pray for us, the race is held July 12. I am happy to be part of you all in a big CMA Family and serve together a mighty God!
Viki Pakarinen, vice president, CMA Finland